Tuesday, February 17

B-Day Boo-Ya Bounty!

A big B-Day Boo-Ya Bounty was hauled in my yours truly - a Garmin 305 Edge and Paul's front brake. I will now be able to train with the big (geek) boys, and stop on a dime. Who knows, maybe next year I will break away from the mid pack and be a top third rider.

Helping in this endeavor is my age, now 35 - moving me categories to race 35 Bs (rather than the regular Bs). Next up for the VPs is the Grasshopper series at the end of Feb.

Wednesday, February 4

Why Not Post About Beer?

Mark continued to ride strong into the Peak Season, but the rest of us Pandas were resigned to sit back and lick our wounds, think about the could have beens and enjoy some tasty beer. Speaking of which La Chouffee is an expensive but oh so tasty brew from Belgium. For a more affordable option try Anderson Valley's Brother David's Double. Or just stick to whiskey. Your call.