Monday, March 22

Onward and ...

If a panda roars, and you don’t hear it, does it make a noise? Yes. Although cross season finished, the pandas continue to ride into the sunset. First and foremost, at the Post Season Panda Pigout, the team gathered to eat, drink and socialize while wearing something other than lyrca on our legs and dirt on our teeth. The night’s winner was Kate taking the first annual Hele Dag Award for all day commitment to the pandas with Mike’s bread and my pork following close behind. A big congratulation to all you make cross season what it is.

Meanwhile on the bikes:
While Mark was out mixing it up with the NorCal roadies at Chileno Valley for Hopper glory; Chris, Christine, Jeremiah and Julie were “training” for the Death Valley century. When the big day arrived, the training helped us go hele dag. We road the fast train for the first 10 miles or so, before toning it down to arrive at the first reststop. We made good timing, working with a couple of other riders until I suffered a puncture. The mini pump I bought Julie for her stocking did not have the umf needed to get me back up to acceptable PSI, however a quick shot of CO2 made up the difference and not a moment too soon as the gnats took a strong interest in our position and riders were passing us at an unacceptable rate. The next feed station, had PB&J before the climb, I found it nice and mellow despite putting in 45+ miles up to that point. Other pandas did not like the long straight incline, preferring the switchback of Old La Honda, or the Alpe d’Huez . I am not sure they have their priorities in line. The day wore on, as each panda taking strong pulls in the front. The scenery was dramatic, colors ranging from the desert red/orange rock formations on our east to the blue snow capped mountains on our west, separated by a vast flat desert floor – often reflecting the blue mountains. Although not a race it is always nice to compare (and compete) finishing in around 33rd place (or so) with a time of 7:37. What I learned from my first century: Bring a frame pump; 10 hours is a long time to drive; 7 hours plus is a long time in the saddle; paceline = good idea; communicate. Here is the ride -

Finally, this last weekend I rode SF Enduro II, perhaps the hardest day in the saddle for me to date. More on that later, but for now you can check out the ride at strava -

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