(photo credit cyclofiend)Having time to reflect on the race I can say I am disappointed with the results, but not the performance. I truly thought I rode well. I felt good (though a bit dusty in the mouth) and met one pre race objective - start near the front. However after the good start, I found myself behind the racers I was aiming to keep with, and when they went, I did not. I was riding well, but fast? I thought so, but not fast enough and for not long enough. Afterwards I saw my result and thought, damn ... I'm slow.
(photo credit SWoo) The RACE: At the whistle the pack surged, and within 50 meters a big pile up. Chris went down hard, while I managed to escape to the side locked with another person's handlebars. After untangling, the first lap moved quickly, and then I settled into racing. The course was contained in a tight patch of dust, under the 15 construction lights pumping out just enough watts to find our way. The pack first turned onto a paved straight away then a tight 180 back on itself on the dirt. We then snaked to and fro until a couple of steep inclines were broken up with a sharp downhill. More snaking to a set of four barriers followed by an incline then a dirt half pipe. I managed to get some air on the half pipe (
http://www.veronikalenzi.com/basps32008large-3.php?imagename=IMG_1604basps3-08.jpg ) until three laps to go. I went down on a gravel turn before the last incline and right after Clark cheered "Go Jeremy!" Confidence shaken, but not stirred, I picked myself up, fixed my chain, ran up the hill, hopped back on my bike and continued my race. The snaking continued which turned to three longer streches, including a pavement finish. I must have lost some momentum from the crash, as I was no longer with anyone. Alone on the course with 80 some odd other persons. How can I be so alone with so many people? I may not be the fastest or the strongest, but my wife indicated that I looked good, a lot faster and stronger than half the people that beat me. I guess that's true, she is a good judge of people. I may not be "specialized" like Boonen or Pattini, but my mom says I'm special and my wife thinks I look good, what more can I want?
(photo credit SWoo)The PANDAS:Stephen lost a sprint at the line to finish 7th while Chris made an impressive(courageous, inspiring, etc.) recovery to finish 52. During the race, Chris attempted to communicate with the pit, calling for glasses, a new bike, and two Advils with a swig of bourbon but apparently his race radio was not working. He continued to press on - Courage! Go Panda! After the race, the medical tent looked him over and taped up his wounds and slung his shoulder. After further examination, his injuries may be more substantial - a bum shoulder that may keep him from Golden Gate park. Mark finished 54th after a chain snap, later on noting that his job was to ride the bike and not score where he finished. Myself, I finished 80th scooping up a single GC point. Apart from the race (or actually part of the racing) were the Vertical FANdas. It was great to hear everyone cheer us on, then BarBQ later on. Great sausage, sides and salads, cookies and cupcakes. The night felt like summer, all that was missing were fireworks. A few of us stayed until the final lap of the final race to see Rock Lobster take 1,2,3 and I thought, damn ... now they're fast.
1 comment:
I think your friend Chris is the one I ran over. He was the first one down, and I had to make the decision to try to bunny hop him, or just go down as safely as possible. I figured he didn't need a potential chain ring in his back, and ran right in to him. Anyway, I hope he is alright. What happended? I heard the guy in front of him got squirly and clipped his wheel.
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